A Fun Valentine Idea!
Here is a great idea I came across at Granola Mom 4 God: Loveys! (She got the idea from Muthering Heights' February Love Challenge for Moms) This is what it entails:
This week, delight your child by serving them their favorite treat in place of a normal snack. As they savor the treat, regale your little one with a “surprise” story about their life in which they were a surprise treat for you, such as the day you found out you were pregnant, your birth story, something they did as a baby, etc. Watch their excitement as they receive this surprise…and marvel at your spontaneous display of love!
I think this is a fabulous idea and one I plan on implementing next week as it is our Valentine week! I think I'll plan a lovey for each morning or afternoon snack since I know Piper loves to hear stories about memories I have of her and Taitum!
I just thought I'd share it with all you Moms out there who might be interested in doing something special too!
nice idea! My girls LOVE to hear stories about when they were babies or when i was pregnant with them. A lot of that has come up lately when i was pregnant and the birth of Grace a few months ago!! also looking at pictures of them when they were babies (and trying to figure out which one is which since all three look exactly alike!) is also a favourite past time and that brings up converstations of when they were little!
I think I'll definitely bring out their baby books and show them some pics! Thanks for the idea!
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