Caps For Sale {BFIAR}

Dec 05

I haven't fallen off the face of the planet, I swear!
Instead the month of December has begun, the babe is getting ALL her teeth at once and it's that wonderful time of year when snotty noses and coughs and fevers run rampant!
Not to worry - we're doing fine but I'm just a wee bit tired by the end of the day!
Anyhow, I have two BFIAR posts to share with you before I move on to all our Christmas stuff!
Last week was our last week rowing a book until the new year (I'll share that one with you in my next post).
We have now slowed things down by carrying on with reading, math and handwriting.
In place of our rows we are daily doing things related to our Jesse Tree and Advent.
We all love this time of year so much and the slower pace is much needed!

Now that you're all filled in, let me quickly share with you our week of rowing Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina.

And practiced her cutting skills by cutting strips of paper with monkeys and caps on them.

Piper counted out 50 cents in pennies, nickels and dimes and made rubbings with them.
(She was not pleased about how many pennies she had to do rubbings of. I ended up doing half! haha!)

The monkeys are their fingerprints.

We found the countries where various monkeys live and marked them on the map.
We also watched some videos of monkeys on National Geographic Kids.
There was a really interesting one about adaptation which tied in nicely to some of the things we learned the previous week during our desert theme.

Happy, happy, happy.

We also played a Monkey See, Monkey Do game.
Our vocabulary words were peddler and cap.
We took time to discuss anger and how we should react to situations that make us angry.

The kids loved this book so much.
In fact, they are still asking for me to read it!
Sadly, it's been sent back to the library.
I may just have to invest in our own copy!

Delightful Learning

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Michelle Gibson said...

Love, love, love the mustache! So adorable! Cute row! Thanks so much for linking to me AND linking up!

Unknown said...

Hi, I recently came across one of your posts on Pinterest. It is about a lap book that Piper made about The Mitten, by Jan Brett. I also have a blog and am doing a series on Bring Books To Life. I would like to do a link to you on this lap book and feature that activity on my next blog post (due out next Sunday) it would be great to hear back from you. My email is and my blog is https//

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I love motherhood.

We're a smiling family.

I'm a covenant keeper.

I love my husband.

I am above self pity.

I am a nation builder.


Worth more than rubies.

“I am more convinced than ever that even in the midst of the mundane, burdensome, and oftentimes frustrating tasks of life allotted to me as a mother, God wants me to find his joy. He wants every single day of my life to be a celebration of his blessings, whether large or small. He wants me to celebrate life ~ the life He has given me.”

~ Sally Clarkson

My Hubby

My Hubby
He's my bestest.


She is my compassionate, dramatic, fun to be around 6 year old. She loves to shop, get dressed up fancy and anything else that screams girly!


She is my goofy, snuggly 4 year old who loves to sing and dance and smile all day long!


She is our one year old smarty pants! She does all she can to keep up with her older sisters and to keep them in line!