Thursday, April 25, 2013

Painting With Ice Cubes

As a 'go along' activity to our science lesson on freezing liquids, we painted with ice cubes!
This was FUN and their paintings were so pretty!
The girls simply added food coloring to the water in the ice cube trays before I popped them in the freezer.
(They were equally as delighted with this aspect. Watching the food coloring swirl around in the water is rather mesmerizing.)
The next day we had our chilly painting utensils.
In fact, they were so chilly that the girls ended up grabbing spoons to push their ice cubes around with!
Initially, it looked almost like crayon marks but as the ice cubes began to melt they resembled watercolors.
In the light of the afternoon sun flowing through our kitchen window, this was a perfect and peaceful moment. 

Give it a try!
Simple. Easy. Fun!

1 comment:

  1. This looks fun! Now I need to find our ice cube trays. I think they are around somewhere...our current fridge has an ice maker.
