Monday, March 5, 2012

Melting Mystery Experiment

This week's experiment was all about melting snow.
In the book The Snowy Day, Peter makes a snow ball and puts it in his pocket before going inside.
When he later goes to retieve it from his pocket, he is surprised to discover that it is gone.
We discussed what happened to his snowball and why it melted inside but not outside.
Then I got Piper to run outdoors and fill a juice jug with snow.
We talked about how, like Peter's snowball, the snow would melt and the jug would be full of water instead of snow because it is warm in the huose.
Next we marked where the top of the snow was and the girls predicted how much water would be in the jug once all the snow melted.

As you can see, they both thought about the same amount of water would result from the melting snow.

We left our snow overnight to melt.
The next morning the girls were very excited for the big reveal.

Here Piper is telling me that she thinks there will be less water than there was snow.

They were very surprised to find how much less water there was!

They also investigated the water resulting from the melted snow.
Initially, Pipe said she wanted to drink the water but once she discovered all the dirt that was in the water, she changed her mind!

Daddy had the idea that we should now redo the experiment so the girls could have a chance to make new predictions based upon their discovery from the first experiment.

This time their predictions were much more accurate!

Science is fun!

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