"When I Grow Up..."

Jan 22

Piper is rather enamoured with the new baby.
She is such a little Mama - helping with whatever I ask of her (and some things that I don't...), showering Renly with kisses and asking on a rather continual basis to hold her.

A couple days ago, Piper asked me, "Mama, can I be a Mama when I grow up?"
"Yes, you most likely can." I replied.
"Well, I want to be a doctor or a Mama!", she said.
"Those are both good things to be." I answered.
She sat there thoughtfully for a moment and shook her head.
"No, I want to be a MAMA!"


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Suanna said...

This is sweet!!! Congratulations on your new baby girl.

Gina said...

Thank you, Suanna! We are so excited to finaly have her here safe and sound!

Ewa said...

I wonder if you or your readers would like to get to know the Montessori way of teaching a bit better. If so I invite you to enter the giveaway I'm hosting right now!!! One lucky reader will win a FREE ON-LINE MONTESSORI TRAINING PROGRAM +12 MONTESSORI ALBUMS!!. The training program is run by Karen Tyler ;-)
Here is a link to the giveaway:

Blessings for you and your family

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