Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Freezer Fanatic!

With this being pregnancy number 3, you'd think I'd know the ropes by now.
For the most part, I do.
But I sometimes fail to listen to my own advice.
Be prepared!
At 38 weeks, the nursery is not complete, my hospital bag is half packed, we just started making freezer meals this past weekend and all the cleaning I needed to get done was only accomplished thanks to my lovely mother-in-law stopping in yesterday and finishing it up for me!
But I've always been a procrastinator so its really not that crazy!
And I have a ton of help.
Let's just say my family is amazing!
(Wait til you see the nursery my parents are helping me create!)
So it is all coming together and I've been able to relax and enjoy time with my sweet girls the past few days!

I am so excited though at the brainwave of having a months worth of freezer meals ready to go!
The thought of not having to cook for a whole month after baby arrives is just heavenly!
Matt's parents bought us a freezer for Christmas and I purchased the book Don't Panic - Dinner's in the Freezer!
We made a list of all the meals we wanted to make.
I made a grocery list.
Matt went shopping.
Then we got down to buisness!

Is it just me or does he look WAY too happy about this project!
I must admit, he is an amazing cooking partner!

Mushrooms galore!
Just waiting to be washed and chopped!
I got lots of strange looks from people in the store as I pushed around a cart with just 10 boxes of mushrooms and 18 pounds of ground beef! :)

Chicken waiting to go!
*Please note, my fridge never looks this clean except when I'm in the extreme stages of nesting!!*

And we're off!
Do I look way too huge to be doing this?
Well, I was!
Word of advice:
 Undertake such projects when there is a much smaller baby between you and the counter!!

And 3 hours later, we had 17 meals all ready to go!
Not bad, eh?!
Since then we've also managed to add 5 more to the pile as well as bread and rolls and such as they go on sale!
This Mama is super pleased!!

Yes, that is my belly creeping into the picture of our filling freezer!

Here's a list of what we've made in case you'd like some inspiration!

Spaghetti Sauce

Pizza Dough w/ prepared hamburger topping

I'm sure a google search would render you a million other ideas but I have really found the book practical and helpful!
And really, whether you have a new baby coming or not, I think this is a fantastic and stress free way to prepare for a month of meals!

1 comment:

  1. I usually fail to listen to my own advice as well. Glad you have a freezer full.
